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The A1 Dance Parents Association was put together around some years ago to help with fundraising for Costumes & anything to benefit the A1 Dance Students.
There’s a small committee who do an amazing job but they would love to have more volunteers!


The PA plan & run Fun Family Events & over the years have held Celebrations, Presentations, Prize Bingo & other Fundraisers, all to keep the cost of costumes down for parents & for our dance family to get together for fun times outside of class. Members of the A1D PA are registered chaperones & help out at Exam sessions & backstage for Shows & Displays.


There are lots of little jobs that crop up & many hands make light work! So whether you can help a little or a lot, if you're a Parent, Student or Friend of A1 Dance & interested in helping with Fundraising or Volunteering to help with Events etc. please let us know. 

Kelly P..png
Steph Y..png
Christine C..png

If you have any questions or suggestions please let us know.


A1 Dance PA AGM generally takes place in late August. All interested parents / guardians / adult students & Friends of A1 Dance are invited to attend. Meetings through the year are kept short & to a minimum, we know everyone is busy!



Applying for a Chaperone / Matron Licence

WARNING! Please don't apply for a DBS through the government website, it won't be the correct one & costs more!



Processor's Agreement


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