Theory Cards
Just click on the Set of Cards you wish to Download or Print.
To help keep your cards in the correct sets remember to put the sheet back through your printer the
correct way up, to print the back as well (click on the link under the image to print the back).
Print onto colored or plain A4 card, cut out and use as flash cards or to play a matching game.
The cards will build to a full set of terms & theory needed for each level.
Classical Ballet: learn the correct way to say the French names & know their meanings & the theory for each level.
Tap: learn the names & definitions of the steps.
Modern: learn the theory for each level.
Knowing the correct terminology will help you get more out of your lessons & Theory knowledge counts
for 10% of the marks in grade exams. Theory questions are included in exams from Grade 1.
The Theory Cards are in sets from the grade the step is first taught using that name, use them alongside the Memory Joggers which show the names & order of all the syllabus exercises & the theory & definitions a student needs to know for each grade.
The Theory Cards are set out to help students learn the correct terminology, using the correct name as they are introduced in lessons, e.g. the steps taught in First Steps Tap are in Set 1 cards because we would expect a student to be able to show us that step by time they're ready to move up but learning the definitions takes longer &
should be regularly practiced at home, use the Memory Joggers to see which are required for each Grade.
Theory & syllabus knowledge counts for 10% of the marks in an exam.
Keep watching this space as more sets are added!
Ballet & Tap sets updated in October 2020 to reflect changes made to the syllabus questions.

Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
Set 5
Set 6
Includes required content from Grade 3
Under construction
Stage Branch
Includes required definitions from Grade 5
Set 7